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Mayor Dave Augustyn

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Dave Augustyn is the Mayor of the Town of Pelham and is a Niagara Regional Councillor.

His political career began December 2006. Mayor Dave chairs all Town Council, Committee-of-the-Whole and Planning meetings. He serves on Pelham's Policy & Priorities Committee. He also serves on all of the Region's Standing Committees: Public Works, Public Health & Social Services, Corporate Services, and Planning & Development. At the Region, Mayor Dave also chairs the Smarter Niagara Steering Committee and serves on the Audit Committee, the Development Charges Task Force, the Labour Relations Committee, the Procedural Bylaw Committee, the Transportation Strategy Steering Committee, and the Waste Management Planning Committee. Mayor Dave chairs the PenWest Power Corporation Board and serves as a member of the Niagara Peninsula Energy Inc. Board. Mayor Dave is also a member of the Liturgy Team at St. Ann's Church.

Visit the Story Place for articles by Mayor Dave. 

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